TMS Therapy for Anxiety: How it Helps Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms

By Dr. James Taggart on May 3, 2023

Dealing with anxiety can be a very frustrating experience, and it can also be difficult to get through daily life activities when you're anxious. Fortunately, there are options to help you feel better, including TMS therapy for anxiety. TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and it's non-invasive and non-surgical.

The goal of TMS in Redding, CA is to activate specific areas of the brain. Doing that correctly can often help with anxiety and depression. By sending magnetic pulses to the right brain areas, the brain can be trained to "think differently" about events and experiences. The treatment doesn't take a long time, and many people see quick improvements.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are often crippling because they cause normal, typical experiences in life to seem overly frightening. Sometimes the anxiety seems to come out of nowhere and isn't related to what's taking place around a person. They might be anxious over something in the past or worry about the future, or might not know why they feel fearful.

woman suffers from severe anxiety disorder.

There are also several types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Social anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Health anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Panic attacks

These aren't the only kinds of anxiety issues people can experience or the only reasons they can be anxious, but they're some of the more common ones. Because anxiety disorders are so prevalent, it's estimated that over 40 million people are affected, and that's just in the United States.

What is TMS Therapy, and How Does it Work?

Patient in TMS for Anxiety treatment.

TMS therapy for anxiety focuses on magnetic stimulation of areas of the brain. It has been used for many years to treat depression and is often successful. Its use in treating anxiety is more recent, but it has shown promising results. If you're asking if TMS therapy works for anxiety you aren't alone, and the answer is often yes, it does provide relief.

During a TMS therapy session in Redding, CA, a medical professional will put a coil around your head. Then, magnetic pulses will be sent through the coil and targeted to specific brain regions. Sometimes pulses are consistent, and sometimes they're intermittent. This treatment is tailored to the patient's specific needs.

Most of the time, anxiety has a biological component. This is typically located in the brain's prefrontal cortex, which is the target of TMS for anxiety. By activating these areas that would not typically activate themselves, it is possible to reduce anxiety and help people feel calmer, sometimes from the very first treatment.

What to Expect During TMS Therapy for Anxiety

What is TMS therapy for anxiety? How does it work, and what does the process feel like? Those are fair questions to have, and you naturally want to learn more about the process before you consider whether it's right for your needs.

Typically, you can expect:

Depress patient having a consultation with a professional psychiatrist.
  1. A consultation with a medical or mental health professional who offers TMS
  2. A discussion about what the procedure may offer to you
  3. An explanation of the specifics of the procedure, to reduce anxiety around it
  4. Information about any side effects you may feel, such as a tapping sensation or clicking noise
  5. Any risks that you need to know about
  6. A treatment that takes under one hour
  7. Working with your provider to schedule additional treatments, if needed

There are some small risks with TMS therapy, and it's important to weigh those against the potential benefits for your particular situation.

The Bottom Line on TMS

TMS therapy for anxiety in Redding, CA can be the right choice to improve your quality of life. TMS has been shown to help with anxiety-related issues such as:

Depressed man at night having trouble on sleeping.
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Shaking
  • A sense of impending doom
  • Excessive worry
  • Avoidance of triggers
  • Increased heart rate
  • Problems with sleep

No matter what kind of experiences you're having with anxiety, TMS may be the right choice for your needs. As a non-invasive therapy that is seen a lot of effectiveness in treating depression and anxiety, this therapy is another option to consider in your quest to feel better again.

Ready to explore whether TMS therapy is right for you? Call 530-236-6615 today to book an appointment with Shasta Meadows Wellness Center. We're here to help!

Article written by Dr. James Taggart
With over two decades of clinical expertise, Dr. James R. Taggart leads an innovative practice as the founder of Shasta Meadows Wellness Center. His vision is to provide proven treatment options addressing depression and pain with patients who have yet to find relief with traditional medical options.

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