Male sexual dysfunction is a medical condition that prevents men from achieving or maintaining an erection long enough to have satisfying sexual intercourse. Many men struggle with this disorder, yet most are reluctant to talk about it with their doctors. In fact, male sexual dysfunction and aging affect roughly 30 million men in America. But it doesn't have to define your life. Treatment in Redding, CA, is available that can help. 

Age-Related Changes in Male Sexual Function

Sexual dysfunction in men describes a whole category of disorders, including:

Male suffers from Sexual Dysfunction and Aging Concept.

As we grow older, changes take place in our bodies and in our minds that may make it difficult to perform sexually as we once did. For men, the changes may make traditional intercourse impossible. These types of changes include the following:

Physical Changes

Psychological Changes

Depressed man at night having trouble on sleeping.

There may be other reasons why you don't have the same interest in sex you once experienced or why you're unable to keep up arousal as you grow older. These include some medications, heavy alcohol use, and smoking. 

Causes of Male Sexual Dysfunction in Older Men

Whether male sexual dysfunction is caused by physical or psychological factors, help is available to manage this disorder and return life to normal. Often, something so simple as hormonal changes or other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, can contribute to sexual dysfunction in men. 

Inflammation of the prostate, premature ejaculation, erection problems.

If the cause of sexual dysfunction is psychological in nature, seeing a therapist and learning to manage high levels of stress and anxiety, may also be helpful. 

In some instances, medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines, blood pressure medications, and opioid pain relievers may cause problems with sex and aging male libido.

Addressing Male Sexual Dysfunction as You Age

Surprisingly, only 10 percent of men who are affected by erectile dysfunction ever seek treatment. And of those who do, roughly half will discontinue treatment after starting because of the stigmas surrounding this very common condition. This is unfortunate. Older people can have very active, healthy, and satisfying love lives. But sometimes, the way the body and mind age can get in the way. Happily, treatment options are available that include:

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Clipboard with medical form and sign Hormone Replacement Therapy.

As you age, your body may begin to produce lower levels of the hormones that affect sex drive and sexual performance, including testosterone and HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Medications that help boost these hormone levels can be very therapeutic in restoring your quality of life. Your provider may offer you a choice of topical gels, patches, injections, tablets, or time-release implants to help restore your hormones to sufficient levels. 

Shockwave Therapy

At Shasta Meadows Wellness Center, we offer an innovative treatment for sexual disorders in males called GentlePro. This state-of-the-art treatment uses painless and non-invasive shockwaves to stimulate blood flow to the penis. All you'll feel is a mild "tingling" sensation during the procedure, but you'll notice a big difference in your sexual performance for up to two years after the conclusion of treatment. 

Strategies for Maintaining Sexual Health in Older Age

Old man doing some outdoor physical exercise.

Lifestyle changes may also be effective for sex and aging male libido. Getting plenty of daily exercises, eating a healthy diet, and getting the required amount of sleep may be all that's required to improve your sex life. And if you have issues with stress or your mental health, talking with your doctor or therapist for management strategies can be very helpful. 

Lastly, talking with your partner about the changes taking place with your sexual function is vital. While it may be difficult to have this discussion, it's a necessary part of any healthy, loving relationship. 

Contact Shasta Meadows Wellness Center in Redding, CA

For help with male sexual dysfunction and aging in or near Redding, CA, contact Shasta Meadows Wellness Center today. Our friendly and professional medical team is happy to sit down with you to discuss your goals for a happy, satisfying future.

Dealing with anxiety can be a very frustrating experience, and it can also be difficult to get through daily life activities when you're anxious. Fortunately, there are options to help you feel better, including TMS therapy for anxiety. TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and it's non-invasive and non-surgical.

The goal of TMS in Redding, CA is to activate specific areas of the brain. Doing that correctly can often help with anxiety and depression. By sending magnetic pulses to the right brain areas, the brain can be trained to "think differently" about events and experiences. The treatment doesn't take a long time, and many people see quick improvements.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are often crippling because they cause normal, typical experiences in life to seem overly frightening. Sometimes the anxiety seems to come out of nowhere and isn't related to what's taking place around a person. They might be anxious over something in the past or worry about the future, or might not know why they feel fearful.

woman suffers from severe anxiety disorder.

There are also several types of anxiety disorders, including:

These aren't the only kinds of anxiety issues people can experience or the only reasons they can be anxious, but they're some of the more common ones. Because anxiety disorders are so prevalent, it's estimated that over 40 million people are affected, and that's just in the United States.

What is TMS Therapy, and How Does it Work?

Patient in TMS for Anxiety treatment.

TMS therapy for anxiety focuses on magnetic stimulation of areas of the brain. It has been used for many years to treat depression and is often successful. Its use in treating anxiety is more recent, but it has shown promising results. If you're asking if TMS therapy works for anxiety you aren't alone, and the answer is often yes, it does provide relief.

During a TMS therapy session in Redding, CA, a medical professional will put a coil around your head. Then, magnetic pulses will be sent through the coil and targeted to specific brain regions. Sometimes pulses are consistent, and sometimes they're intermittent. This treatment is tailored to the patient's specific needs.

Most of the time, anxiety has a biological component. This is typically located in the brain's prefrontal cortex, which is the target of TMS for anxiety. By activating these areas that would not typically activate themselves, it is possible to reduce anxiety and help people feel calmer, sometimes from the very first treatment.

What to Expect During TMS Therapy for Anxiety

What is TMS therapy for anxiety? How does it work, and what does the process feel like? Those are fair questions to have, and you naturally want to learn more about the process before you consider whether it's right for your needs.

Typically, you can expect:

Depress patient having a consultation with a professional psychiatrist.
  1. A consultation with a medical or mental health professional who offers TMS
  2. A discussion about what the procedure may offer to you
  3. An explanation of the specifics of the procedure, to reduce anxiety around it
  4. Information about any side effects you may feel, such as a tapping sensation or clicking noise
  5. Any risks that you need to know about
  6. A treatment that takes under one hour
  7. Working with your provider to schedule additional treatments, if needed

There are some small risks with TMS therapy, and it's important to weigh those against the potential benefits for your particular situation.

The Bottom Line on TMS

TMS therapy for anxiety in Redding, CA can be the right choice to improve your quality of life. TMS has been shown to help with anxiety-related issues such as:

Depressed man at night having trouble on sleeping.

No matter what kind of experiences you're having with anxiety, TMS may be the right choice for your needs. As a non-invasive therapy that is seen a lot of effectiveness in treating depression and anxiety, this therapy is another option to consider in your quest to feel better again.

Ready to explore whether TMS therapy is right for you? Call 530-236-6615 today to book an appointment with Shasta Meadows Wellness Center. We're here to help!

If you're looking for ways to reduce your chances of illness and boost your immunity, you may want to look into the benefits of IV therapy in Redding, CA. This therapy is becoming more popular all the time, and the main goal of it is to strengthen your immune system to help prevent illness.

IV therapy for immunity delivers antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins right into your bloodstream, where they can be carried throughout your body efficiently. This helps you absorb them more fully, and also detoxify your body through the elimination of free radicals. Understanding all the great benefits of this treatment can help you decide if it's right for you. Here's what to know.

Immune System Explained

Man wearing a mask suffers from flu and cough due to poor immune system.

Your immune system is the network of proteins, organs, and cells that work to keep your body free of infection. The system defends you against the flu, colds, and cellular changes that could make you sick. The immune system is also a great record-keeper and knows the information for everything it has defended you against, in case it needs to do it again.

There are a lot of factors that can affect your immunity, including your gut health, your white blood cell count, how much sleep you're getting, and whether you exercise. You also need the right vitamins and minerals, so you can be healthy and let your immune system do its job.

What is IV Therapy, and How Does it Work?

Female patient sitting in medicine armchair while receiving IV infusion in wellness center.

Understanding IV therapy for immunity in Redding, CA is important, because it's always a good idea to understand any treatment or procedure you're getting. Can IV therapy boost your immune system is one of the most common questions to ask, but you'll also want to consider what's in the therapy and how often you should be getting it.

For years IV therapy has been used to boost immunity, increase energy levels, and help encourage protection from illness. This therapy is given intravenously, typically once every three or four months. It's easy to get a consultation and work with your doctor on the right kind of IV therapy for your specific needs. Treatments only take about an hour, and generally don't have side effects.

Surprising Benefits of IV Therapy for Boosting Immunity and Preventing Illness

If you're asking yourself what are the benefits of immune booster IV options, you're not alone. When you look for IV therapy for immunity in the Redding, CA area you want to make sure you're getting the most important benefits of it. These include:

Female patient drinking a healthy beverage while sitting in medicine armchair and receiving IV infusion in wellness center.
  1. Immediate hydration that lasts for a long time
  2. Improved ability to absorb nutrients
  3. A reduction in inflammation throughout the body
  4. Increased energy levels, so you can get more done
  5. Better focus and mental clarity

When you consider the benefits of IV therapy, it's easy to see it can make a significant difference in your life. Feeling more energetic and getting the right nutrients makes a difference in getting things done, and can help you move through your day more easily.

Who Should Consider IV Therapy for Immunity Boosting?

Senior woman having a heart condition problem sitting on the couch while catching her breathe caused of heart ache.

While nearly everyone can benefit from IV therapy, some people may see more of a benefit than others will. The benefits of this therapy for illness prevention and stronger levels of immunity may be most significant for people who are chronically low on sleep, who don't get enough variety in their diet, and who find themselves dealing with a lot of stress.

If you have certain medical conditions, though, you'll want to be more cautious about getting an IV booster. Specifically, you should use caution if you have:

Either one of those conditions can make it more difficult to process higher concentrations of vitamins, and you'll want to find out more about your specific risk factors before making a decision.

So, Can IV Therapy Boost Your Immune System?

The short answer is yes! IV therapy isn't a cure-all, but it can be a very useful tool when it comes to overall wellness. This therapy offers an immune system boost, better hydration, more mental clarity, reduced inflammation, and much more.

Ready to boost your immune system with the benefits of IV therapy in Redding, CA? Call 530-215-3820 to book an appointment with us at Shasta Meadows Wellness Center today.
